
Limited places are available for our Nursery and Reception Classes in September. Older children can start throughout the year, subject to a place being available in their year group.

Please get in touch with us on 01332 557130 or office@oldvicarageschool.co.uk to talk about your options or arrange a visit.

School Fees for 2024

EYFS – Nursery Class  A maximum of 16 children are accepted into OVS Nursery each academic year. They attend for a minimum of 3 days per week in the Christmas and Easter Terms, increasing to 5 days per week in the Summer Term, in order to prepare them for entry in Reception.  Minimum fee £1,903 per term for 3 days rising to full time at £3,372 per term.

Reception £3,172 per term

Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2) £3,232 per term

Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3&4) £3,354 per term

Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5&6) £3,385 per term

Fees Include

  • All tuition
  • all exercise books and class room resources
  • cooked school meals at lunchtime
  • milk at morning breaks
  • one school trip per class per term (for full time pupils)
  • a term’s swimming lessons for Year 1 & 2
  • After school care for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Pupils until 4.00pm
  • Prep session for Years 3-6 until 4.00pm

Fees are due on or before the first day of each academic term.

Additional Costs

Peripatetic Lessons – All peripatetic lessons are arranged and payable directly to the visiting teacher. All lessons are payable a term in advance and may be cancelled with half a term’s notice in writing to the relevant Teacher.

Clubs and Activities – A range of extra Curricular Clubs & Activities are offered each term to all children from Nursery to Year 6. Charges vary by activity and are payable in addition to school fees and change from term to term.

Breakfast Club and Abbey Club – Children can book into Breakfast Club from 7.30am and can remain in our Abbey Club until 6pm. Additional charges apply.


Bursaries can only be considered in classes where spaces are available. Bursaries can be applied for by contacting the Bursar/Proprietor, Mrs Jenny Adshead via email at bursar@oldvicarageschool.co.uk. These are awarded at the Proprietor’s discretion.

Pay School Fees Monthly

Parents are able to pay School Fees Monthly: