Reception to Year 2
After Nursery, our children move into the Reception Class. Here, the children continue to follow the EYFS Framework and in many instances go beyond it. The children enjoy outdoor learning as a significant part of their curriculum. Exploring in nature is a fantastic way of supporting their confidence, resilience and risk taking abilities.
Reading is given a high priority. Children follow The Ruth Miskin, Read Write Inc. course as they take the first steps in learning to read. Children then move on to the Oxford Reading Scheme and beyond. From Reception to Year 2 all children read to a member of OVS staff every day. In most schools, children will read to an adult once a week. We think this is unsatisfactory! All children read to an adult every day up and keep a daily diary of their school and “at home” reading until the point that they are confident, independent readers. We would expect a confident independent reader in Year 2 to have achieved a reading age of 10+, three years ahead of their chronological age. For the children who need additional reading support they will continue to read to an adult every day for as long as necessary, throughout their time at OVS. There is a rewards system for reading across the school. Children receive certificates and prizes on an ascending scale as their reading develops. We want reading to become an integral part of a child’s life so that they develop a lifelong love of reading.
The core subjects of Mathematics, Science and English are given a high priority. There are opportunities for children to have specialist lessons in French, Games and Music, along side the other subjects, as part of our broad and excellent curriculum. Children are taught to stand up and present in public regularly, so whether they are naturally introvert or extrovert, all children gain an inner confidence and learn how to be good communicators.
A busy, engaged and enthused child is a happy child. This is why we have developed an excellent co-curricular programme of exciting Clubs and Activities taking place before school, during break times and after school.
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