The Parents of the children attending the Old Vicarage School should be aware that the school has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are their pupils. This responsibility necessitates a safeguarding policy and the school may need to share this information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. The following email address can be used by professional organisations in relation to safeguarding matters;
Several policies can be downloaded from the site directly.
Complaints: We have had no formal complaints for the previous year.
The following policies and information are freely available on request by e-mailing or contacting the school office on 01332 557130
Able, Gifted & Talented
Accessibility Plan
Children Absent from Education
Particulars of the educational and welfare provision for pupils with EHC Plans
Particulars of the educational and welfare provision for pupils for whom English is an Additional Language
Particulars of the school’s academic performance during the preceding school year
Online Safety
Fire Risk Assessment
Administering Medication to Pupils
Marking Policy
Off-Site Visits (OSV) Policy
School Security
Special Educational Needs
Statement of the Schools Aims
Supervision of Pupils